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Table 1 The components of the exercise program

From: Protocol for a randomised feasibility trial comparing a combined program of education and exercise versus general advice for ankle osteoarthritis

Warm up/ Aerobic exercise

10 min of cycling on a cycle ergometer at a workload of ‘somewhat hard’ on the rate of perceived exertion (RPE) scale [25].

Foot and ankle specific muscle strength (5 exercises)

Five exercises for foot and ankle-specific muscle strength using body weight resistance or Theraband® resistance. The specific exercises are: calf raises (body weight resistance) and Theraband® resisted ankle dorsiflexion, ankle inversion, ankle eversion, and toe flexion.

Compound lower limb muscle exercises (3 exercises)

Three compound lower limb muscle strength exercises which include step up/downs (body weight resistance), squats/resisted knee extension (body weight or Theraband® resisted), and a pelvic lift/supine bridge (body weight resistance).

Balance training (1 exercise)

A standing balance exercise series with adjustment to base of support and addition of perturbations.

Cool down

Walking forward and backwards for 2–3 min at a self-determined comfortable pace, followed by gentle stretching of the ankle plantarflexors, quadriceps and hamstrings. Stretches are held for 30 s each.