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Table 1 Themes, topics and research questions identified from scoping survey

From: Research priority setting in UK podiatric surgery



Theme: Health economics and service delivery

 Service Delivery

Is Podiatric Surgery efficient and cost effective compared to other providers of foot surgery?

What methods of service promotion are most effective in Podiatric Surgery?

Promoting our discipline: what is the understanding of Podiatric Surgery by other healthcare professionals? How do we raise awareness?

What is the place of Podiatric Surgery in mainstream medical care?

What has been the impact of independent prescribing on Podiatric Surgery?

 Population Health

What is the recurrence rate of hallux valgus following correction via osteotomy?

How does Podiatric Surgery benefit the health of the population?

What are the demographics of patients accessing Podiatric Surgery services and do they represent all groups in the local community?


What is the incidence of post-surgery venous thromboembolism in relation to Covid-19 vaccine in Podiatric Surgery?

What role has Podiatric Surgery played during the pandemic?

What operational changes to Podiatric Surgery have occurred during the pandemic?

Theme: Patient satisfaction and patient reported outcome measures

 Patient satisfaction

What is the effect of hallux valgus deformity on quality of life?

Does hallux valgus surgery reduce falls in elderly patients?

How does quality of life improve following elective foot surgery?

What are the patient experiences of day case foot surgery?

 Patient reported outcome measures

Is the Manchester Oxford Foot Questionnaire valid in elective foot surgery other than hallux valgus correction?

Are the Short-form -36 and EuroQol-5D valid in elective foot surgery?

What is the benefit of utilising PASCOM-10 (National audit database) to improve large scale outcome data?

How does the patient’s verbal report of surgical success relate to quantitative patient reported outcomes measures?

Theme: Treatment

 Conservative treatment

Steroid injection therapy – short-, medium-, and long- term outcomes

Is there a place for platelet-rich plasma in end-stage osteoarthritis management?

Is hyaluronic acid, platelet-rich plasma, or steroid injection therapy most effective in 1stmetatarsophlanageal joint osteoarthritis?

 Pre-operative assessment

Is there a place for prehabilitation clinics prior to hallux valgus correction?

Should we routinely be completing toe pressures on all elective surgery patients? Do toe pressures in elective cases accurately indicate wound healing potential?

Does routine toe pressure assessment improve early diagnosis of vascular issues prior to elective foot surgery?

Antibiotic prophylaxis in elective foot surgery: is it required? What modality is best? Risk stratification tool?

Venous thromboembolism in elective foot surgery

What is the most appropriate peri-operative management of immunosuppressive medications in elective foot surgery?

 Surgical treatment-forefoot

Deep transverse ligament release vs neurectomy: A comparative study

What is the consensus on neuroma surgery: plantar vs dorsal incision, single vs double?

What are the latest techniques in forefoot surgery?

Randomised study of hammer toe fusion versus arthroplasty

Review of long-term outcomes of implants (E.g., 1stmetatarsophalangeal joint, interphlex, proximal interphalangeal joint)

Minimally invasive surgery versus open lesser metatarsal surgery-what are the outcomes?

 Surgical treatment-midfoot

What is the most effective Lapidus fixation option?

What are the financial implications of different fixation techniques for Lapidus?

Is the trephine grafting technique superior to traditional joint preparation in midfoot fusion?

 Surgical treatment-rearfoot

What are the advancements in rearfoot surgery?

What is the success of Achilles Tendon lengthening in improving forefoot pain?

What is the most effective fixation method for Talonavicular joint fusion?

 Post-operative management

Review of post-operative regimen for procedures-what’s the consensus throughout the profession?

What post-operative protocols are used following surgery (procedure specific), and do they affect patient reported outcome measures and time to recovery?

Do post-operative range of motion exercises following hallux valgus correction improve patient outcomes?

What is the most effective strategy for reducing digital swelling post-operatively?

What are the best modalities for reducing post-operative scarring?

 Impact factors

Does Vitamin D affect union rates post-operatively: what are the thresholds?

Does smoking directly impact surgical outcomes in foot surgery?

Does the use of a bone stimulator improve the speed of bony union following foot and ankle fusions?

 Getting it right first time (GIRFT)

Is the World Health Organisation checklist fit for purpose?

What patient safety tools are in use in Podiatric Surgery, and have they reduced errors?

Minimising risk: does the imaging report match the request? Is it reducing costs? Are imaging modalities being used appropriately?

Are current thoughts regarding common risks of surgery true, or are they outdated or incorrect?

Theme: limb salvage surgery


What are the short-, medium-, and long- term benefits of our involvement in limb salvage surgery- does it help? Does it save money? What quantifiable data can we publish to develop this arm of the profession?

Is our involvement in limb salvage surgery beneficial to patients and financially favourable to trusts: a long-term study of outcomes and finances?

What models are currently being used in the management of the diabetic foot? Is one more cost effective than the other and do they affect the patient pathway and outcomes?

 Multi-disciplinary Team

Advancements in the diabetic foot-working with vascular in an acute setting?

What is the understanding of Podiatric Surgery in the wider multidisciplinary team?

Do we meet the national criteria?

 Surgery / Treatment

Do variations in peri-operative management affect outcomes in the diabetic foot?

What are the multi-centre outcomes of Podiatric Surgery in limb salvage of the diabetic foot?

Elective prophylactic and curative approaches in limb salvage surgery, how do we compare our data using PASCOM-10 as a tool?

 Patient experience

What is the psychological impact of diabetic foot ulceration and lower limb amputation?

How does Podiatric Surgery benefit the health of the population in the at-risk foot?

What is the patient experience of Podiatric Surgery in the management of their diabetic foot ulcer?

Did Covid-19 delay patients seeking treatment for diabetic foot ulceration and how has this affected prognosis and outcomes?