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Table 4 Investigated prognostic factors across long-, medium- and short-term follow-up duration, with effect measure, size, direction and GRADE which is coded using colour system in the last column. Red, orange, yellow and green show very low, low, moderate, and high-level of evidence, respectively. Grey is no investigation/evidence in relevant

From: Predicting the outcome of plantar heel pain in adults: a systematic review of prognostic factors

  1. KEY = -: not investigated; Results in BOLD type reveal a statistically significant results (p < 0.05). Case refers to number of variables which have been indicated to be a predictive factors
  2. NA not applicable, HR Hazard Ratio, RR Relative Risk, AUC Area under the curve, + LR positive likelihood ratio, NR Not Reported, L Long Term, M Medium term, S Short-term outcomes
  3. *No reported effect, studies provided only p value. Ct: Compare to. Articles: H18: Hansen et. al, 2018 (Cohort study); W18: Wu et. al, 2018 (RCTs); W19: Wu et. al, 2019 (RCTs); Y17: Yin et. al, 2017 (RCTs); Y19: Yin et. al, 2019 (RCTs). Red, orange, yellow and green show very low, low, moderate, and high-level of evidence, respectively. Grey is no investigation/evidence in the relevant period. Arrow key: Up arrow: the value of the factor has a positive effect on prognosis; down arrow: the value of the factor has a negative effect on prognosis; Horizontal arrow: Prognosis probability is not affected by a change in the value. Publication bias and study limitation of GRADE’s domains are not shown in the table due to similar results across all studies (i.e. negative). Regarding the precision of studies, studies scored as unclear—not having SD or CI are considered as imprecise. For GRADE factors: ✓, no serious limitations; ✕, serious limitations (or not present for moderate/large effect size, dose effect); unclear, unable to rate item based on available information