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Table 2 Green Podiatry actions require variable effort, and involve a range of cost: benefits

From: Sustainable healthcare – Time for ‘Green Podiatry’

Effort estimates

Action examples

Easy, immediate

e-comms, e-records (data security!), reusable shopping bags, buy local, less packaging, turn off lights, adjust temperature settings re heat/cooling

Some organisation

LED lighting, avoid packaging as much as possible, and set up recycling eg paper /plastics/ foils; use e-waste and recycling depots

More commitment

Public transport/walk/ride a bicycle as possible (even 1–2 days/week to work – with a friend/colleague?), switch to renewable energy (add solar panels – work/home), car share commutes

Bigger issues

Limit air travel, esp. long haul overseas

Plan for an e-car

Purchase power (eg buy local)

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