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Table 5 Criteria for assessment with the scoring guide

From: Professional appraisal of online information about children’s footwear measurement and fit: readability, usability and quality

Criteria for assessment

Score 0 to 3.3

Score 3.4 to 6.7

Score 6.8 to 10


How many search terms returned this resource aka how easy is it to find?

Scored by CP

Scored by CP

Scored by CP

Reading Ease

Readability scores calculated with the SMOG Index.

Scored by CP

Scored by CP

Scored by CP


Are the instructions clear?

Wording is confusing and unclear. Instructions do not flow and might not make sense.

Instructions are relatively clear, but some points do not make sense or are not sequential.

All instructions or steps are clearly and concisely worded and follow a clear, sequential pattern


Advice and/or quantitative measure?

Only subjective descriptions.

Mixed subjective and objective descriptions

Numerous objective tests as well as subjective descriptions to aid interpretation

Clear layout and presence of diagrams or images.

Long paragraphs of text with no illustrations or clear points.

Clear points or tables in text.

Animation, diagrams and figures which help convey messages clearly.

No, or few, images

Some images for description.

All, or most, points are followed with an image for clarity.


How it loads online and opens – can you use it on a table or phone?

Guide is not able to be used on phone/tablet or all devices attempted.

Guide worked on most platforms with most functionality

Guide worked effectively and consistency on all platforms attempted

Does it need printing?

Guide needs printing and there is no scale to check print quality

Guide needs printing and there is a scale to check print quality.

Guide is fully functioning as an online tool and does not require any printing.

How easy is the website to navigate? Are the buttons clear and is the layout easy to read?

Website is unclear to navigate. Multiple mouse clicks are required to access all information.

Website is relatively clear to navigate and some secondary pages are easy to find. Some secondary information is readily available, but not all.

Website is very clear and easy to navigate and secondary pages are found easily. Information and content of resources is accessible with 1 mouse click.

Validity - task

Is the task or process described appropriate for measuring the feet of children?

The task or process described is not what I consider essential for foot measurement in children.

Some of the task or process described is what I consider essential for foot measurement in children, but not all.

The task or process described is all of what I consider essential for foot measurement in children.

Validity - measures

Which aspects of the foot does it quantify? E.g. length only, width measures, instep, whole foot with an app.

Few of the key measures I associate as essential for foot measurement are included.

Most of the measures I associate as essential for foot measurement are included.

All key measures I associate as essential with foot measurement are included.