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Table 2 Description of sensitivity analysis scenarios

From: Implementing a podiatry prescribing mentoring program in a public health service: a cost-description study



1) Includes hospital cost for rotation education

Estimates the cost to the hospital of conducting rotation education according to the average cost of medicine trainees of $4376/month with 40 h weeks [24]

2) Uses house medical officer as endorsed prescriber

Estimates the program cost if the endorsed prescriber role is filled by a year 3 House Medical Officer at an hourly rate of $38.66, with a 4% pay increase to 2017 values, and 25% on-costs [25]

3) Uses medical officer as endorsed prescriber

Estimates the program cost if the endorsed prescriber role is filled by a year 5 Medical Officer at an hourly rate of $58.99, with a 4% pay increase to 2017 values, and 25% on-costs [25].

4) Graduated from a recognised program in the last 7 years

AHPRA require podiatrists eligible to apply for endorsement to have completed a recognised therapeutics program in the last 7 years. Those who satisfy this requirement do not have to do an additional podiatric therapeutics course, therefore creating a cost saving.

5) Increase 20%

Increases all implementation costs by 20%.

6) Decrease 20%

Decreases all implementation costs by 20%.