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Table 1 Participant characteristics

From: The association of foot structure and footwear fit with disability in children and adolescents with Down syndrome






 Age (years), mean (SD)a

10.6 (3.9)

5 to 18

 Sex, n (%) male

28 (56)


 Type of DS, n (%)



 Trisomy 21/Translocation/Mosaic

44 (88)/5 (10)/1 (2)


 Any type of medication, n (%)

23 (46)


 Height (cm), mean (SD)

131.9 (18.6)

96.0 to 164.5

 Weight (kg), mean (SD)

39.6 (18.4)

16.3 to 85.1

 Body mass index (kg/m2), mean (SD)



21.5 (5.3)

13.8 to 34.9


21.1 (4.9)

14.7 to 33.8


22.1 (5.8)

13.8 to 34.9

Foot structure


 Arch Index, mean (SD)

0.29 (0.08)

0.01 to 0.39

 Foot posture, n (%)b


 Flat/typical/high arch

38 (76)/6 (12)/6 (12)


 Hallux valgus, n (%)

5 (10)


 Lesser toe deformity, n (%)

6 (12)


Footwear fitc


 Length (%)

9.0 (7.5)

−14.3 to 23.3

 Width (%)

−4.5 (10.0)

−26.5 to 13.6

OxAFQ-C domain scores, mean (SD)


 Physicald (%)

72.8 (21.4)

33.3 to 100.0

 School and playd (%)

84.9 (18.1)

31.3 to 100.0

 Emotionald (%)

92.9 (13.8)

43.8 to 100.0

 Footwear (%)

67.5 (3.9)

0.0 to 100.0

  1. aSD: Standard deviation.
  2. bBased on the Arch Index, foot postures were classified as follows: Arch Index ≥ 0.26 (flat), 0.22 < Arch Index < 0.26 (typical), Arch Index ≤ 0.21 (high arch) [19].
  3. cPercentage difference between shoe and foot dimensions. Positive values indicate shoe dimension greater than foot dimension. Measurements were based on n = 48 due to missing data.
  4. dParent-reported Oxford Ankle Foot Questionnaire for Children (OxAFQ-C) domain scores were based on n = 49 due to missing data.