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Table 1 STARLITE framework

From: Contested professional role boundaries in health care: a systematic review of the literature

Sampling strategy


Type of literature

Qualitative and quantitative research


Subject search, citation search, internet search

Range of years

No start date to March 2014


English, human

Inclusions and exclusions

Included: Health or health care and: contested role boundaries, disputed role boundaries, role boundary negotiation, interprofessional role boundaries, professional role boundaries

Excluded: Discussion pieces; developing countries; intra-professional boundary disputes; papers referring to, but not focusing on interprofessional boundary disputes; complementary and alternative therapies only; interprofessional education; collaboration; multidisciplinary care

Terms used

Contested boundaries AND health care

Dispute* boundary$ AND health care

Professional boundary$ AND health care

Interprofessional boundary$ AND in health

Electronic resources

CINAHL, Medline, PubMed, Expanded Academic ASAP

  1. The symbols * and $ constitute literature search strategy Boolean connectors. * is a wildcard symbol replacing one letter in a search term, enhancing a database search. $ is a truncation symbol which allows retrieval of words in both plural and singular.