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Table 1 Baseline patient characteristics

From: Clinical features and outcomes of foot keloids treated using complete surgical excision and full thickness skin grafting followed by corticosteroid injections


Total patients (n=79)

Age, years

18.00 (7 - 43)

Total size, cm2

50.00 (18 - 150)



Female, n (%)

75 (94.9%)

Male, n (%)

4 (5.1%)

Previous treatment history:


No, n (%)

29 (36.7%)

Yes, n (%)

50 (63.3%)

Surgical excision, n (%)

4 (5.1%)

Steroid injection, n (%)

33 (41.8%)

Laser therapy, n (%)

2 (2.5%)

Combination treatments, n (%)

11 (13.9%)



ORIF d/t fracture, n (%)

54 (68.4%)

1’ closure d/t laceration, n (%)

11 (13.9%)

2’ healing following burn, n (%)

10 (1.1%)

Others, n (%)

4 (5.1%)



No, n (%)

62 (78.5%)

Yes, n (%)

17 (21.5%)

  1. Values are median(ranges) for continuous variables and number (percentages) for categorical variables.