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Table 1 Stages of Hallux Valgus as defined by Root et al 1977

From: Hallux valgus and hallux rigidus: a comparison of impact on health-related quality of life in patients presenting to foot surgeons in Australia

Stage 1

Lateral displacement of the great toe (hallux) at the metatarsophalangeal joint

Minimal sesamoid displacement

Stage 2

Hallux abductus deformity (great toe pressing against the 2nd toe)

Sesamoid displacement apparent

Stage 3

Increased intermetatarsal angle

Sesamoid displacement to level of partial disarticulation with the metatarsal head

Possible associated 2nd hammertoe and bony adaptation of metatarsal head

Stage 4

Partial/complete dislocation of hallux at metatarsal phalangeal joint.

Hallux under-riding or over-riding lesser toes