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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of the study participants

From: Prediction of outcomes in subjects with type 2 diabetes and diabetic foot ulcers in Catalonian primary care centers: a multicenter observational study


All participants (n = 256)

Age, mean (SD), years

72.2 (12.7)

Gender, n (%)


178 (69.5)

Toxic habits, n (%)


50 (19.5)

 Former smokers

88 (34.4)


118 (46.1)

 High-risk alcohol intake

14 (5.4)

Comorbidities, n (%)


207 (80.9)


175 (68.4)


37 (14.5)

 Ischemic heart disease

55 (21.5)

 Hearth failure

50 (19.5)

 Peripheral artery disease

165 (64.5)

 Macrovascular complications

101 (39.5)


82 (32.0)

 Kidney disease

148 (57.8)

 Peripheral neuropathy

165 (64.5)

Clinical variables

 Diabetes duration, mean (SD), years

13.5 (8.1)

 BMI, mean (SD),

29.6 (5.35))

 HbA1c, mean (SD), %HbA1c, mean (SD), mmol/mol

7.9 (1.9) 61.3 (14.6)

Foot characteristics,n(%)

 Previous history of DFU

70 (27.3)

 Any previous amputation

23 (8.9)

 Any previous major amputation

2 (0.8)

 Foot deformities

104 (40.6)

 Inadequate footwear

167 (65.2)

 Decreased visual acuity

112 (43.8)

 Problems with mobility

106 (41.4)

 Need of a caregiver

89 (34.8)

 At least one podiatrist visit in the previous year

125 (48.8)

Ulcer site, n (%)

 Toes, plantar

31 (12.1)

 Toes, dorsal or interdigital aspect

112 (43.8)

 Dorsal or lateral aspect of the foot

53 (20.7)

 Plantar forefoot or midfoot

23 (8.9)


37 (14.5)

Depth of the ulcer*

 Superficial ulcer

197 (77.0)

 Deep ulcer

59 (23.0)

Extension of the ulcer**

  ≤ 1 cm2

144 (56.2)

  > 1cm2

112 (43.8)

Ulcer type,n (%)

 Neuropathic ulcers

52 (20.3)

 Neuro-ischemic ulcers

113 (44.1)

 Ischemic ulcers

52 (20.3)

 Without peripheral neuropathy or ischemic disease

39 (15.3)

Infection status,n (%)

 No infection

150 (58.6)


106 (41.4)

 Neuropathy and infection

67 (26.1)

 PAD and infection

65 (25.3)

SINBAD classification

 SINBAD, mean (SD)

2.48 (1.17)


139 (54.3)


117 (45.7)

PEDIS classification

 PEDIS, mean (SD)

5.21 (1.87)

 PEDIS < 7

191 (74.6%)

 PEDIS ≥ 7

65 (25.4%)

  1. BMI  Body mass index,  DFU  Diabetic foot ulcer,  HbA1c  Glycated hemoglobin,  PAD  Peripheral arterial disease,  SD  Standard deviation; * superficial ulcer: loss of superficial substance which does not penetrate beyond the dermis; deep ulcer: loss of substance below the dermis to subcutaneous structures or joint or bone exposure