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Table 1 Descriptive data from EMG and SMG variables of TA muscle

From: Electromyography and sonomyography analysis of the tibialis anterior: a cross sectional study


Isotonic %MVC normalized mean (SD)

Isotonic %MVC units mean (SD)

Maximum peak EMG TA

0.737 (0.208)

411.8 (162.6) (uV)


0.419 (0.394)

290.54 (246.7) (uV)

Thickness TA

0.927 (0.291)

19.75 (2.63) (mm)

Pennation angle TA

0.828 (0.432)

9.60 (1.4) (degrees)

  1. MVC: maximal voluntary contraction.
  2. EMG: electromyography.
  3. TA: tibialis anterior.