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Table 3 Content of 18-month postal follow-up Health Survey questionnaire (Phase 2 participants only)

From: The clinical assessment study of the foot (CASF): study protocol for a prospective observational study of foot pain and foot osteoarthritis in the general population


Measurement method


Foot pain characteristics

Change in foot pain over past 18 months

Completely recovered, much better, better, no change, worse, much worse


Since your assessment 18 months ago, have you ever injured your foot badly enough to see a doctor about it?

No/right only/left only/both


Foot pain, aching, stiffness in last month [39]

No days, few days, some days, most days, all days


Foot pain intensity in past month [40]

0-10 NRS with verbal anchors (no pain, pain as bad as could be)

Foot pain chronicity

Chronic Pain Grade [59]

6 questions (0-10 NRS) and 1 question (4 response options) giving grade I-IV

Complaint-specific functioning

Manchester Foot Pain and Disability Index [41]

19-items across four constructs: pain, function, appearance, work/leisure


Symptom satisfaction [64]

5-point Likert scale (Very dissatisfied to Very satisfied)

Healthcare use

Use of services/treatments for foot pain in past 18 months

GP, physiotherapist, hospital specialist, acupuncture, podiatrist, chiropodist, drugs on prescription, foot injection, foot surgery, osteopath/chiropractor, other (specify)


Medication use in last month

For foot pain, for other pain

Coping strategies for foot pain

Single-item coping strategies questionnaire [42]

0-6 NRS with verbal anchors (never do that, always do that)

Perceived general health

MOS SF 12 [33]

Physical and mental component summary scores

Physical function

MOS SF 36 [32]

Physical functioning sub-scale

Anxiety and depression

Hospital anxiety and depression scale [34]

Anxiety and depression sub-scales

Hallux valgus

Self-completed line drawings [37]

5 line-drawings for each foot depicting increasing severity of hallux valgus

Bodily pain

Self-completed body manikin

In the past 4 weeks, have you had pain that has lasted for one day or longer in any part of your body? If yes, shade location of pain on manikin

Regional pain

Site-specific questions

Have you had any problems with your hands or pain in your hands/hips/knees in the last year?

Demographic characteristics

Date of birth



Socioeconomic characteristics

Current employment status

Employed, not working due to ill-health, retired, unemployed/seeking work, housewife, other

  1. MOS SF 12 = Medical Outcomes Study Short Form 12; MOS SF 36 = Medical Outcomes Study Short Form 36; NRS = numerical rating scale